About me

I am an Associate Professor (Universitetslektor) working at Uppsala University and holder of the title of docent (Finnish: dosentti, equivalent to habilitation). I am interested in interactions between various aspects of pure mathematics, focussing on dimension theory, random geometry, and dynamical systems.

Previously, I was holder of the Horizons Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Fellowship (MSCA-EF) “Dimension and Dynamics” working at the University of Oulu (Finland) and FWF Lise Meitner Senior Fellow at the University of Vienna (Austria). I was also at the University of Waterloo (Canada) for a postdoc fellowship and completed my doctorate at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) under the supervision of Kenneth Falconer and Mike Todd.


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Remote Colloquium, Finnish Math Soc

Remote Colloquium, Finnish Math Soc

The Finnish Mathematical Society runs a new bi-annual colloquium on Zoom. Several mathematics department across Finland organise “viewing events” of which I organise the one at the University of Oulu. The next talk is on 18 October 2024, see here for more information.