About me

I am an Associate Professor (Universitetslektor) working at Uppsala University and holder of the title of docent (Finnish: dosentti, equivalent to habilitation). I am interested in interactions between various aspects of pure mathematics, focussing on dimension theory, random geometry, and dynamical systems.

Previously, I was holder of the Horizons Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Fellowship (MSCA-EF) “Dimension and Dynamics” working at the University of Oulu (Finland) and FWF Lise Meitner Senior Fellow at the University of Vienna (Austria). I was also at the University of Waterloo (Canada) for a postdoc fellowship and completed my doctorate at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) under the supervision of Kenneth Falconer and Mike Todd.

Recent Updates

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Article: Minkowski Weak Embedding Theorem

Article: Minkowski Weak Embedding Theorem

My article Minkowski weak embedding theorem1 with Stathis Chrontsios-Garitsis just got accepted at HJM, so it’s high time that I write a short summary.

The two sentence version: The Assouad embedding theorem loosely states that any metric space with finite Assouad dimension can be embedded into $\mathbb{R}^n$ without too much distortion. The Minkowski (or box-counting) dimension is smaller than the Assouad dimension and we show that an analogue of the Assouad embedding theorem still holds if one replaces the assumption of finite Assouad dimension with the weaker assumption of finite Minkowski dimension.